María Zambrano UNED 2023/2024

The lexical challenges of clear communication in the legal-administrative field: an empirical study on the effect of lexical clarification strategies on the processing and perception of clarity of administrative texts by the public (REGAGE22e00043005339)

Research project developed at Departamento de Filologías Extranjeras y sus Lingüísticas from the Facultad de Filología in  Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) .






This project has been carried out thanks to the complementary call for subsidies to public universities for the requalification of the Spanish university system for the period 2021-2023, in the modality of “María Zambrano” grants for the attraction of international talent.

Budget: 96.000 euros (principal investigator recruitment and relocation expenses).


OBJECTIVE 1. To determine whether there are significant differences between the processing of problematic lexical sequences from the plain language perspective and their alternatives clarified from the recommendations of the arText claro system.

OBJECTIVE 2. To determine whether there are significant differences between the perceived clarity of texts with lexical problems from a plain language perspective and their clarified versions using the recommendations of the arText claro system.




Evaluation of reading time and comprehension of administrative texts with difficult to understand and commonly used terms by university students in Madrid. Evaluation of the perception of clarity of texts with lexical elements that are difficult to understand from the perspective of plain language (technical terminology, acronyms, anglicisms, nominalizations) and their versions clarified with the arText system in university students.


Sabela Fernández Silva (director) (María Zambrano Postdoctoral Fellow)
Iria da Cunha (UNED)
Juan-Antonio Núñez (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)


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