ArText team participates in the COMCLARA congress

On November 9th and 10th took place the I Congreso Internacional de Comunicación Clara -COMCLARA. Several members of the arText team participated in this congress:

  • Iria da Cunha took part in the round table on Clear Communication in specialized languages, with the talk “Redacción asistida en lenguaje claro de géneros textuales de ámbitos especializados”.
  • Sara Pistola and Susana Viñuales presented “Una propuesta para implementar el lenguaje claro en la enseñanza universitaria del derecho administrativo”, within the panel on Specialized languages and clear communication.
  • Laia Vidal-Sabanés presented “La infografía terminológica al servicio del paciente: una propuesta que favorece la comprensión de los tratamientos del cáncer de mama”, within the panel on Design, technology and clear communication.

You can see the program of the congress in this link.
