Funded projects


An automatic system to help in writing specialised texts in domains relevant to Spanish society (IN[15]_HMS_LIN_0371)

Discourse and Natural Language Processing (RYC-2014-16935)

Information and Communication Technologies for the e-Administration: towards the improvement of the communication between Administration and citizens by means of plain language [TIC-eADMIN] (PGC2018-099694-A-I00)

A technological prototype for writing in plain language: incorporation in public administration and analysis of its impact on citizens (arText_IMPACT) (PDC2022-133935-I00)

Plain language and natural language processing in legal-administrative texts in English: the European Commission as a case study (EUPlainTech) (PID2022-143092NB-I00)

The lexical challenges of clear communication in the legal-administrative field: an empirical study on the effect of lexical clarification strategies on the processing and perception of clarity of administrative texts by the public (María Zambrano postdoctoral contract)

Towards incorporating medical plain language in arText claro (Margarita Salas postdoctoral contract)