This is the website concerning the research on the arText system, carried out at the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED). Our research is part of an interdisciplinary context that brings together two major areas: linguistics (the analysis of specialized discourse) and computer science (Natural Language Processing [NLP]). It has an impact on science, but also on Spanish society, since the system we have developed is available to the public free of charge so that any person can use it.
The arText system is the first assisted text editor for Spanish that helps to write textual genres in specialized fields and texts in plain language. It includes two tools:
Both tools can be used through an online text editor. The editor is divided into three modules, which help to:
- Structure the document.
- Format and spell-check it.
- Check the suitability of the text, by giving specific linguistic recommendations for the selected textual genre or related to plain language. Some of these recommendations concern, for example, long sentences and paragraphs, acronyms, word repetition, discourse connectors, verb forms and subjective lexical units.
It is aimed at different types of collectives, such as, for example, the following:
- The general public when they have to face the task of writing texts addressed to the Public Administration.
- Public Administration staff who want to write texts addressed to the general public in plain language.
- Professionals from the fields of medicine, tourism and law who want to write specific texts related to their professional field.
- Students who have to write university academic papers on medicine, tourism or administrative law.
- Students of any field of study who have to write their end-of-degree project (TFG).
- Students who want to learn to write some of the professional and academic textual genres covered in the basic curriculum of Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) and the upper secondary education.
To use the arText system, you only need a computer with an internet connection and the Google Chrome browser. Its interface is very simple. The user manual can be consulted here.
The main innovations of the arText tool for writing textual genres in specialised fields are that:
- It is focused on the writing of textual genres in Spanish from the aforementioned three fields. For example, a clinical record in medicine, a business plan in tourism, or a complaint in Public Administration.
- It takes the level of specialisation of each genre into account and integrates linguistic information of various types: textual, discursive, syntactic and lexical.
- It is aimed at different types of specific collectives and their writing needs: university students, professionals in specialised fields and the general public.
The main innovations of the arText claro tool for writing texts in plain language are that:
- It is focused on writing texts in plain language. Currently, it helps to write administrative texts addressed to the general public in plain language.
- It offers suggestions related to the most common plain language recommendations in Spanish.
- It integrates linguistic information of various types: textual, discursive, syntactic and lexical.
The different functionalities of arText have been developed in the framework of 3 research projects funded by competitive calls:
- A project funded by the Fundación BBVA, which was developed between 2015 and 2016: Un sistema automático de ayuda a la redacción de textos especializados de ámbitos relevantes en la sociedad española actual (IN[15]_HMS_LIN_0371) (An automatic system to help in writing specialised texts in domains relevant to Spanish society).
- A project carried out thanks to the additional funding associated to a Ramón y Cajal contract obtained in the 2014 call (Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, Spain) between 2016 and 2020: Discurso y Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (RYC-2014-16935) (Discourse and Natural Language Processing ).
- A project funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, which was awarded in 2019 and continues today: Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación para la e-Administración: hacia la mejora de la comunicación entre Administración y ciudadanía a través del lenguaje claro (TIC-eADMIN) (PGC2018-099694-A-I00) (Information and Communication Technologies for e-Administration: towards the improvement of the communication between Administration and citizenship by means of plain language [TIC-eADMIN]).
Press kit:
2023-2024 (last update: 30 July 2024)
The arText system is available online here.