Conference about arText at the Pontificia Universidad Católica of Valparaiso

poster-conferencia-artext-valparaiso-2020Our colleagues from the Institute of Literature and Language Sciences at the Pontificia Universidad Católica of Valparaíso (Chile) have invited us to give a conference on arText as part of the excellent virtual conference cycle they are organizing, called «Meetings in Linguistics». Our team would like to thank the organizers of the event, Sabela Fernández (Director of the Master’s Degree in Applied Linguistics) and Romualdo Ibáñez (Director of the PhD programme in Linguistics), for their kind invitation.

Our conference was entitled «The arText system: a technological tool that helps to write texts in specialized fields in Spanish». It summarized the trajectory of the research project in which arText has been developed, from its beginnings in 2015 to the present day. The methodology used in each of the work phases has been explained, as well as the results obtained in each of the financed projects obtained by the team.

The conference was broadcast via Facebook Live and is still available here.


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