We took part in the Jornadas Terminología, inteligencia artificial y sociedad digital

On 10 December, the Jornadas Terminología, inteligencia artificial y sociedad digital were held in Madrid, combining, on the one hand, the XX Jornada anual de la Asociación Española de Terminología (AETER) and, on the other hand, the IX Jornada de Terminología y Traducción Institucional de la Dirección General de Traducción (DGT) de la Comisión Europea. Iria da Cunha participated in the round table “Terminology and digital society”, moderated by Luis González (DGT translator). Among other things, she presented arText as an example of a technological tool that makes use of terminology and has a transfer to society.

The event was streamed live on the European Commission’s YouTube channel and is available here. You can also access the photo gallery from the AETER website by clicking here.

