We joined Comun-es

Comun-es is the first online community of Spanish language researchers. This is an initiative promoted by the Universidad de Salamanca and the University of Oxford.  It can be joined by specialists in Spanish literature, Hispanic linguistics and Spanish as LE/L2. The main objectives of this platform are:

  • To connect researchers from all over the world interested in the same research areas.
  • To contribute to enhancing visibility of projects and initiatives on Hispanic language and culture.
  • To establish a space where researchers can collaborate with other specialists in the same field.

Several members of our team have joined Comun-es. The following members have created an account on the platform: Iria da CunhaGerardo Sierra and Sara Pistola. In addition, we have shared the research project through which arText is currently being developed: “Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación para la e-Administración: hacia la mejora de la comunicación entre Administración y ciudadanía a través del lenguaje claro” (funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Investigación y Universidades).
