arText at the Primera Jornada «Escritura Académica y Discurso Especializado»

Our colleagues from the Delegación de Chile de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Estudios del Discurso (ALED-Chile) and the Grupo de Investigación Interdisciplinario en Discurso Académico, Científico y Profesional (GRIDACIP) have organized the Primera Jornada «Escritura Académica y Discurso Especializado». The arText team presented two papers at the conference.

On the one hand, Sara Pistola and Susana Viñuales presented the paper entitled «Recopilación, selección y clasificación de los géneros textuales de la Administración Pública española». In this talk, they explained the progress being made within the framework of the current research project (TIC-eADMIN) financed by the Ministry of Science, Research and Universities.

On the other hand, Juan Antonio Núñez and Iria da Cunha introduced the paper entitled «Un análisis del impacto del sistema arText en la redacción del Trabajo de Fin de Grado». Their objective was to establish the impact of the recommendations offered by arText on the review of the Trabajo de Fin de Grado (Final Project) done by university students.

All the conferences of the day are still available on its Youtube channel.

Click here to see the presentation «Compilation, selection and classification of text genres in the Spanish Public Administration» (starts at minute 02:09:51).

Click here to see the presentation «An analysis of the impact of the arText system in the writing of the End of Degree Project» (starts at minute 46:45).

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