Article published in Sphera Publica

Here you have the reference of an article we have recently published, where we evaluate the arText claro system with the collaboration of the staff of the Madrid City Council, in the framework of our Proof of Concept project of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities.

Pistola, Sara; Da Cunha, Iria (2024). «El personal público como pieza imprescindible en la evaluación de la tecnología aplicada al lenguaje claro». Sphera Publica, 24(2). 116-145. ISSN 1576-4192

Article published in Archiletras Científica

Issue 12 of the journal Archiletras Científica is a monograph entitled ‘Comunicación clara: Un campo emergente en investigación y transferencia en el mundo hispánico’. Estrella Montolío (director) and Mar Forment (coordinator) have invited us to participate with the following article:

Montané, M. Amor; Da Cunha, Iria; Pistola, Sara (2024). «Redacción asistida multilingüe en lenguaje claro mediante procesamiento del lenguaje natural: del español al catalán como caso de estudio».  Archiletras Científica, 12. 79-94. ISSN 2659-8957

Thank you very much for the invitation! It has been a pleasure to participate in this volume.

Publication “Lingüistas de hoy. Profesiones para el siglo XXI”

Iria da Cunha has participated in the book Lingüistas de hoy. Profesiones para el siglo XXI, coordinated by Dr. Sheila Queralt and published by Editorial Síntesis. In this publication, 36 linguists talk about their specialty and highlight the available professional opportunities. One of these disciplines is computational linguistics, which Iria da Cunha explains and exemplifies with the creation of the sistema arText. You can see the table of contents and read a sample chapter of the book here.


New publication in Íkala journal

A new issue of Íkala journal has just been published, in which Sara Pistola and Iria da Cunha identify the most frequent and difficult administrative texts to write for the staff of the Ayuntamiento de Madrid (Madrid City Council) and Facultad de Derecho (Law School) at UNED. The article can be read here.

The reference of the article is:

Pistola, Sara y Da Cunha, Iria. (2023). Escritura de géneros textuales administrativos en el contexto académico y profesional español. Íkala, Revista De Lenguaje Y Cultura, 28(3), 1–30.


New article in the journal Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural

The 69th issue of the journal Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, editted by the Sociedad Española para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (SEPLN) has been published. It includes the article entitled “Un redactor asistido para adaptar textos administrativos a lenguaje claro”. The aim of this work is to present the development of arText claro, the first assisted editor for Spanish that helps public administration staff to write in plain language the texts they send to citizens. Different Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools are integrated in the system, thanks to which it manages to detect in the texts written by users the linguistic features that interfere with the most common plain language recommendations.

The reference of the article is:

Da Cunha, Iria. (2022). “Un redactor asistido para adaptar textos administrativos a lenguaje claro”Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 69. 39-49. ISSN: 1989-7553.

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New article in the journal ELUA

The 38th issue of the journal Estudios de Lingüística de la Universidad de Alicante (ELUA) has been published. This issue is a monograph on “Los géneros digitales en la interfaz del trabajo de corpus y el análisis del discurso especializado” coordinated by Chelo Vargas-Sierra and José A. Sánchez-Fajardo. It includes the article entitled “La resolución administrativa publicada en portales web institucionales: Un análisis basado en corpus”. This work focuses on the analysis of a textual genre in the field of administration that is currently disseminated almost exclusively through digital media, the resolution published on institutional web portals. To this end, the resolutions published on the website of the Boletín Oficial del Ayuntamiento de Madrid (BOAM) are taken as the object of study, and a linguistic analysis is carried out at textual and lexical level of a corpus consisting of 20 texts. A qualitative analysis of the digital features of this textual genre is also carried out.

The reference of the article is:

Pistola, Sara; Da Cunha, Iria (2021). “La resolución administrativa publicada en portales web institucionales: Un análisis basado en corpus”. ELUA 38. 17-45. ISSN: 2171-6692


New publication in Administrazioa Euskaraz

The Instituto Vasco de Administración Pública (IVAP) publishes the journal Administrazioa Euskaraz. Issue 116 has just been published. It includes an article explaining how arText and arText claro can help to write texts in the Administration field. It can be consulted here.

Article reference:

Da Cunha, Iria. (2022). “ArText sistema: Administrazioa eta herritarrak errazago komunikatzeko erredaktore laguntzailea“. Administrazioa Euskaraz 116. 19-20. ISSN 1576-5563

Captura de pantalla 2022-04-21 a las 21.12.47

New publications related to the project in Ibérica nº 42

Issue 42 of Ibérica includes two publications related to the arText project.

Firstly, the article “Comparing textual genres in Spanish: the case of the tourism domain” is published. The goals of this research are: a) to carry out a linguistic analysis of three genres from the tourism domain on the textual, lexico-grammatical and discourse levels to gain a comprehensive understanding of the features of these text types, and b) to compare these genres in order to identify statistically significant differences among them and show that some specific linguistic features are prototypical of each one. This linguistic information is integrated in the arText tool to write the following genres of the tourism field: informative article, travel blog post and rules and regulations.

Secondly, it includes a review by Dámaso Izquierdo-Alegría of the book “El discurso del ámbito de la administración. Una perspectiva lingüística“, published by Iria da Cunha in 2020 (Editorial Comares).

The references of the publications are:

Da Cunha, Iria; Montané, M. Amor; Fisas, Beatriz; Escobar, M. Ángeles (2021). «Comparing textual genres in Spanish: the case of the tourism domain». Ibérica 42. 163-190. ISSN 1139-7241

Izquierdo-Alegría, Dámaso (2021). «El Discurso del ámbito de la Administración. Una perspectiva lingüística. Iria da Cunha. Granada: Editorial Comares, 2020, 210 Páginas. ISBN: 978- 84-9045-955-3». Ibérica, 42. 250-254. ISSN 1139-7241

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New article in Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación

An article entitled “El impacto del uso de herramientas automáticas de ayuda a la redacción en el proceso de escritura de estudiantes universitarios” has been published in the journal Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación. The aim of the article is to determine the impact of the recommendations offered by an automatic assisted writing system (specifically, the arText system) on academic texts written by university students.

Article reference:

Da Cunha, Iria; Núñez, Juan A. (2021). «El impacto del uso de herramientas automáticas de ayuda a la redacción en el proceso de escritura de estudiantes universitarios». Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación 89. 131-144. e-ISSN 1576-4737

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Article in the journal Tejuelo

The article entitled “Una herramienta automática para el aprendizaje de los conectores discursivos” has been published in the journal Tejuelo. The aim of this article is to show the functionalities of the arText system that incorporate discourse information, such as connectors. The authors’ motivation is to help students to improve their use of connectors by reviewing their texts with the tool.

Article reference:

Da Cunha, Iria; Escobar, M. Ángeles (2022). “Una herramienta automática para el aprendizaje de los conectores discursivos”. Tejuelo, 35(2). 205-233. ISSN: 1988-8430

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We attended the presentation of Archiletras científica nº 6

The journal Archiletras científica nº 6, about linguistic technologies, was presented on January 31st, 2022. The event took place at the Instituto Cervantes, in Madrid. The participants were Luis García Montero (Director of the Instituto Cervantes), Arsenio Escolar (Founder and Editor of Archiletras and Archiletras científica), Miguel Escassi (Director of Políticas Públicas y Relaciones Institucionales of Google España y Portugal), Estrella Montolío (Co-director of Archiletras científica), Mireia Farrús (Coordinator of the volume), Carme Artigas (Secretary of State for Digitalización e Inteligencia Artificial) and Pilar Alegría (Minister of Educación y Formación Profesional). More information about the event is available here.

Iria da Cunha, the coordinator of the arText team, attended the event as the author of the article “Discurso y tecnologías lingüísticas en español”, which was published in Archiletras científica nº 6.

The event was broadcast live on YouTube. You can watch the video here.

In the photo: Iria da Cunha, Mireia Farrús, Ana Freire, Carme Artigas, Estrella Montolío and Maite Martín.


Article published in Archiletras científica

Archiletras científica issue number 6, on “Tecnologías de la Lengua aplicadas al español”, has been published. The article by Iria da Cunha entitled “Discurso y tecnologías lingüísticas en español” mentions arText and arText claro as examples of technological tools in which discourse information is integrated.

All the information about the issue can be found here.


New publications in the Journal of Language and Law

The arText team participates in the 75th number of the Journal of Language and Law with two publications. The first one is the article “Una clasificación actualizada de los géneros textuales de la Administración pública española” (Sara Pistola and Susana Viñuales). It can be consulted here. The second is a review by Cristina Carretero of the book “El discurso del ámbito de la Administración: una perspectiva lingüística”, published by Iria da Cunha in 2020 (Editorial Comares). The review is entitled “El proceso comunicativo entre la Administración y la ciudadanía: especial perspectiva del ciudadano como emisor del mensaje” and can be consulted here.


New arText functionality to write the TFG of any field


The article entitled “Una herramienta TIC para la redacción del Trabajo de Fin de Grado (TFG)” has been published in the last issue of the journal ELUA: Estudios de Lingüística. Universidad de Alicante. This journal has the “Sello de calidad revistas científicas españolas de la FECYT“.

The goal of the article is to explain that a new functionality has been enabled in the arText system to help university students in the writing of the Final Degree Project (TFG), in its research work modality, for any field of knowledge.

It is possible to access this functionality from the main page of the arText system by selecting the textual genre “Trabajo de fin de grado (TFG)” within the section “Textos académicos de cualquier ámbito”.

Our team would thank you for the dissemination of this functionality, which is totally free of charge. We are sure that it will be very useful for students who must elaborate their TFG at any Spanish university and in any field of knowledge. In addition, we find it especially useful in this difficult time that we are living, in which making electronic resources available to students is more necessary than ever, in the framework of online learning.

Article reference:

da Cunha, Iria (2020). «Una herramienta TIC para la redacción del Trabajo de Fin de Grado (TFG)». ELUA: Estudios de Lingüística. Universidad de Alicante 34. 39-72.

For the implementation of this new arText functionality, the materials from the following book on the TFG and the TFM have been used, currently recommended in many Spanish universities:




da Cunha, Iria (2016). El trabajo de fin de grado y de máster: Redacción, defensa y publicación. Barcelona: Editorial UOC. ISBN 9788490643907

Paper published in Linguamática

The article entitled “A technological application that helps citizens write texts to the Public Administration” has been published today in the journal Linguamática. The aim of the article is to explain the specific application of the arText system that helps to write textual genres addressed to the Administration, specifically an allegation, a cover letter, a letter of complaint, a claim and an application. We encourage you to read the article and use arText!

Article reference:

da Cunha, Iria (2020). “Una aplicación tecnológica que ayuda a la ciudadanía a escribir textos a la Administración pública”. Linguamática, 12(1). 97-115. ISSN 1647-0818

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Paper published in Discourse Studies

The article titled “A corpus-based analysis of textual genres in the administration domain” has been published in the Discourse Studies journal, indexed in the Journal Citation Reports of Web of Science. In this work, we explain the methodology of the corpus compilation and analysis used in the arText project, taking the administration domain as a case study.

Article reference:

da Cunha, Iria; Montané, M. Amor (2020). «A corpus-based analysis of textual genres in the administration domain». Discourse Studies 22(1). 3-31. ISSN 1461-4456

Paper published in Revista Signos




The article titled “Textual genres and writing difficulties in specialized domains” has been accepted for publication in Revista Signos. Estudios de Lingüística, indexed in the Social Science Citation Index. The article will be published in March 2019, but it is already available in the Advanced articles section of the journal.

Article reference:

da Cunha, Iria; Montané, M. Amor (2019). “Textual genres and writing difficulties in specialized domains”. Revista Signos. Estudios de Lingüística 52(99). 4-30. ISSN 07180934

New book published


In June 2018, Vernon Press has published a new book, “Convergence of ESP with other disciplines”. The first chapter of this book is titled “Designing Writing Materials for Tourism Text Genres through Technological Tools”. In this chapter, we study the possibilities that arText offers to university lecturers to use it with tourism students.

Article reference:

Escobar, M. Ángeles; da Cunha, Iria (2018). «Designing Writing Materials for Tourism Text Genres through Technological Tools». In Hurajová, Ľudmila; Chmelíková, Gabriela; Stojkovic, Nadezda  (Eds.). Convergence of ESP with other disciplines. Wilmington, USA: Vernon Press. ISBN 978-1-62273-429-0

Talk at the International ESP Conference on Convergence of ESP with Other Disciplines

From October 27th to 28th, 2017, the International ESP Conference on Convergence of ESP with Other Disciplines took place at Conference Centre at Liverpool Hope University (UK). In this framework, we gave a talk explaining how arText can be used as a tool to teach university subjects related to tourism. The title of the talk was “Revisiting tourism text genres presenting writing difficulties to students: designing materials through a semi-automatic corpus”.

Escobar_presentando   pagina_principal_presentacion

Talk about the arText project at the 2017 LSP conference

Today we gave a talk about the arText project at the 21st Conference on Language for Specific Purposes 2017 (LSP 2017), held at the NHH Norwegian School of Economics in Bergen (Norway). The title of the talk was “Textual genres presenting writing difficulties in the field of tourism: a semiautomatic corpus-based linguistic analysis”.

Click here to see the conference program.
Click here to see the abstract book.


Paper accepted in the EACL 2017

eaclThe paper “The arText prototype: An automatic system for writing specialized texts” has been accepted for presentation and publication in the Demonstration Session of the 15th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL 2017), which will take place in Valencia from 3 to 7 April, 2017. In brief we will inform you about the date and time of the arText prototype demonstration within the framework of this conference.

Participation in AESLA 2016

On April 16 2016 we did a presentation about the first results of the project in the 34th International Conference of the Spanish Association of Applied Linguistics (AESLA 2016): Professional and Academic Discourse: an Interdisciplinary Perspective in Alicante. The title of the presentation was “Detection of textual genres that present writing difficulties: a study about the administration, medicine and tourism domains”. We will publish a research article on this subject soon.
