Article published in Logos

The following article has just been published, which includes some results of Sara Pistola’s thesis, defended in July 2024 at the UNED, and co-directed by Iria da Cunha and Susana Viñuales.

Pistola, Sara; Da Cunha, Iria (2024). «Análisis y clarificación de un corpus de fraseología administrativa: una propuesta orientada al uso del lenguaje claro en la Administración española». Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura, 34(2). 494-522. ISSN 0719-3262

SCImago Journal & Country Rank

Jenny Azarian presents at the XV Seminario del Programa de Doctorado en Filología of the UNED

Jenny Azarian, predoctoral researcher of the arText team, has participated in the XV Seminario de Investigación del Programa de Doctorado en Filología de la UNED, which took place on April 18-20. Jenny presented the progress of her thesis in a chat entitled “Análisis del impacto del software arText claro en la comprensión y la percepción de claridad de textos administrativos”.

Iria da Cunha participates in the II Congreso de Traducción y Sostenibilidad Cultural (Salamanca)

Iria da Cunha (arText team, UNED) participated as a guest speaker in the II Congreso Internacional de Traducción y Sostenibilidad Cultural, organized by the Departamento de Traducción e Interpretación of the Universidad de Salamanca on April 17, 18 and 19, 2024. She participated in the round table “Didáctica de la traducción y la interpretación y globalización lingüística y tecnológica”, together with Michaela Albl-Mikasa (ZHAW, Zurich University of Applied Sciences) and Astrid Schmidhofe (Universität Innsbruck).

Click here to see the full conference program.


Eighth artext team seminar (2023-2024)

Mari Carmen Suárez de Figueroa (Ontology Engineering Group de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) participated as an external guest speaker in the eighth pre- and post-doctoral seminar of the current academic year of the arText team. Dr. Suárez de Figueroa spoke about Easy Reading, Cognitive Accessibility and Inclusive Artificial Intelligence”.

Thank you very much, Mari Carmen, for sharing your knowledge with the arText team!

Fifth artext team seminar (2023-2024)

In the fifth pre- and postdoctoral arText team seminar of the current academic year, Marc Bayés, external collaborator of the EDAP group and professor at the Universidad de Barcelona, spoke about the test of perception of clarity of an administrative text. The work he presented is related to his PhD thesis, directed by Estrella Montolío and María Ángeles García.

Thank you very much, Marc Bayés, for such an inspiring talk!

Cyberseminar TREMÉDICA by Iria da Cunha

Iria da Cunha, director of the arText team and lecturer at the Departamento de Filologías Extranjeras y sus Lingüísticas from the Facultad de Filología at UNED, has given the TREMÉDICA cyberseminar entitled “Herramientas y recursos de tecnología lingüística para la medicina” (Language technology tools and resources for medicine). In the course, Iria showed several language technology tools and resources that can be useful for humanistic profiles and health professionals.One of these tools is the arText system, which helps to write texts from different specialized fields, including medicine.


Opening of the biweekly research seminar

Yesterday we started with the biweekly research seminar mainly for arText team pre- and post-doctoral researchers. The seminars aim to be a meeting point to share progress, put ideas in common, establish links between the team members, follow up on the various ongoing projects and disseminate areas of scientific interest. In short, these seminars aim to be a collaborative space to highlight plain language and areas of interest in this discipline.


TFM using arText

Carlos José Blandón Ruiz has defended his TFM entitled “ArText como recurso didáctico para la redacción de textos expositivos” at the Universidad Panamericana de Nicaragua. In his work, he has used arText as a didactic resource to develop the writing skills of a group of high school students. The director of the TFM was Dr. Margarita Míxter Moreno.

Thank you, Carlos, for bringing arText to Nicaragua and for exploring new applications of the system!


New addition to the team

Recently, the Ministry of Universities has awarded a María Zambrano grant for the attraction of international talent to Sabela Fernández Silva, assistant professor at the Instituto de Literatura y Ciencias del Lenguaje of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. On January 1st she will join the Departamento de Filologías Extranjeras y sus Lingüísticas of the UNED to work on the development of new functionalities of arText for 2 years.

Congratulations! We are very happy to be able to expand our team.


New addition to the arText team

Recently, the Ministry of Universities has granted Laia Vidal, professor at the Facultad de Traducción y Ciencias del Lenguaje of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra and researcher of the IULATERM group, a Margarita Salas postdoctoral grant. On January 1st she will join the Departamento de Filologías Extranjeras y sus Lingüísticas of UNED to work on the development of new functionalities of arText for 2 years.

Congratulations, Laia! We are glad that you are part of our team.


New thesis in the framework of the project

Jia Chen is carrying out her doctoral thesis in the framework of the arText project thanks to the PhD program in Education of the Facultad de Formación de Profesorado y Educación of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). The topic of her thesis is: “Teaching Chinese university students to write administrative texts in Spanish with the help of arText”. The directors are: Juan Antonio Núñez, coordinator of the Centro de Escritura at UAM, and Iria da Cunha, head of the arText project.

Currently, three doctoral theses related to arText are in progress.


TIC-eADMIN project team meeting

The team of the TIC-eADMIN project, in which arText is currently being developed, met virtually to allow the international members to attend. These are Maite Taboada, from the Simon Fraser University, and Gerardo Sierra, from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. From Spain, Juan A. Núñez (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), and Iria da CunhaM. Ángeles EscobarSusana Viñuales and Sara Pistola (from UNED) also assisted.


New thesis in the framework of the project

Jadranka Gladic will carry out her doctoral thesis within the framework of the arText project thanks to the “Programa de doctorado en filología. Estudios lingüísticos y literarios” of the Facultad de Filología of the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED). The topic of her thesis is: “El Trabajo de Fin de Grado en Derecho Administrativo: un análisis comparativo entre España y Chile”.

Congratulations and welcome to the team, Jadranka!

Jadranka en el equipo