The Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) and the Ayuntamiento de Madrid signed the “Protocolo de colaboración en investigación científica en materia de comunicación clara”. The document was signed by Rosa María Martín Aranda, Vicerrectora de Investigación, Transferencia del Conocimiento y Divulgación Científica of the UNED, and by Begoña Villacís Sánchez, in her capacity as head of the Área de Gobierno de Vicealcaldía of the Ayuntamiento de Madrid. Silvia Saavedra, concejala delegada de Coordinación Territorial, Transparencia y Participación Ciudadana, was present at the event.
The motivation of this collaboration is that the Ayuntamiento de Madrid, through the Subdirección General de Calidad y Evaluación, collaborates in the TIC-eADMIN research project. As part of this project, arText‘s new functionalities are being developed to help the Administration’s staff to write texts addressed to the citizens. Currently, arText claro has already been developed, a system that helps to write administrative texts addressed to citizens in plain language. However, thanks to the collaboration with the Ayuntamiento de Madrid, arText will also incorporate new functionalities that help public workers to write some specific types of texts, such as, for example, a requirement, a resolution or a contract. The aim is that the technological tool will not only offer recommendations on plain language, as it already does thanks to arText claro, but it will also help the users to structure and draft certain types of specific documents.